Penitential Service and Confessions
Wednesday, December 6th 5:30pm—7:00pm
with several visiting priests
If you would like to make a confession, but are not able to come to the penitential service and confessions on Wednesday, December 6th, you can call the church office and make an appointment with Father Raju.
Christmas Schedule
Saturday (December 23rd)
Regular weekend obligation Masses
4:00 pm @ Shelby
6:00 pm @ St. Elizabeth
Sunday, (December 24th) Christmas Eve
8:30 am @ Immaculate Conception (regular weekend Mass)
***NO 10:30 am Sunday Mass
4:00 pm @ Shelby (Christmas Vigil Mass)
6:00 pm @ St. Elizabeth (Christmas Vigil Mass)
Monday, (December 25th) Christmas Day
8:30 am @ Immaculate Conception (Christmas Mass)
***Please see we will NOT have a regular Mass at St. Elizabeth
on Sunday, December 24th at 10:30am
We offer Saturday @ 6:00pm at SE and Sunday at 8:30am at IC
to fulfill your obligation for the 4th Sunday of Advent