In the Bible, God came to people who were busy with the daily tasks of their life. He came to Abraham while he kept his flocks, Joseph while he slept. God sent His messenger angels while people were working in the fields, watching their sheep or praying silently in their homes, hidden from the pomp and show of flashy public view. As recorded in the book of Kings 19:12, God came to Elijah not in a loud earthquake or visually stunning fire, but in “a light silent sound,” sometimes translated as a whisper. God is mysterious and ultimately ungraspable, but present to the quiet and simple of heart, those who attune their ear to His sound. Reading God’s word in the Bible can renew and refresh us in a way unlike anything else. The Holy Spirit can speak to us through His word, which is ever living and ever new. Mediating upon the daily or Sunday Gospel throughout one’s week is a small practice that can remind our souls of Christ’s choices in His life and better direct ours.