Please join us before each daily and weekend Mass starting this Thursday, January 16th until Friday, January 24th as we participate in this novena together as a community of believers.
Next weekend throughout the diocese is Called By Name Sunday: an initiative of the Diocese of Jackson to identify and accompany faithful young men who may have a calling to the priesthood. Read the full article here for details.
St. Elizabeth Parish has "Good Taste" and we're hungry for you! Potluck supper after 6:00pm Mass on Saturday, September 29th. "Taste and see the goodness of the Lord." -Psalm 34:8
The St. Elizabeth Youth are selling Super Bowl squares to raise money for their summer trip to Catholic HEART Workcamp. Please see any youth or contact Catelin Britt to purchase.
Join thousands of Catholics nationwide praying for the protection of human life! St. Elizabeth parish will come together 10 minutes before the start of all Masses starting Tuesday, January 16th until Wednesday, January 24th to pray the novena. Please come early and join us each day during this time!
The St. Elizabeth youth have begun fundraising efforts by selling Egg Bowl football squares. Money must be received by Wednesday, November 22nd to enter.
Members of the St. Elizabeth, Immaculate Conception, and St. Mary parishes met together on Sunday, October 22nd to discuss Phase I of the Pastoral Reimagining process.
The Dioceses of Jackson and Biloxi continue to support our brothers and sisters in Saltillo, Mexico. This week, Bishop Joseph Kopacz and Bishop Louis Kihneman of Biloxi are traveling to the Saltillo Mission in celebration of the 25th anniversary of mission church of San Miguel. Please keep them in your prayers, as well as all who have labored to support the Saltillo Mission over the years.